Beware – Employment Scams

These days, no matter what you're doing, you can be sure that someone has a scam operating - and applying for jobs is no exception. Employment scams are rife, and they're particularly nasty since they often take advantage of those who can afford it least. As with most scams, if you pay a little attention, and are aware that such scams exist, then you can hopefully avoid falling victim to any of them.

Employment Scams

Employment Scams

Here are some of the more common employment scams which exist. They continue to exist because scammers make money from them, so read on and don't become another employment scam victim.

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Some employment scams appear as regular job postings while others may target victims through unsolicited email. However, you should be especially wary when an employment offer is presented after interviewing only through online channels such as by email, text message or chat/messenger tools like Google Hangouts, Skype etc.

Remote Job / Laptop Purchase Scams
Fake job interviewers pose as legitimate employers hiring remote workers. The so-say "company" sends a fraudulent check to the new hire for purchasing home office equipment such as a laptop. Once cashed, the new hire is then tricked into forwarding funds or equipment to the "company" after which the check deposit gets reversed by the new hire's bank. And, of course, the new hire is left worse off.

Money-Laundering Scams
Money launderers offer "jobs" with commissions or pay as high as $1,000 - $2,000 a day to process checks on behalf of foreign nationals. These launderers recruit local citizens to "process payments" or "transfer funds," because as foreign nationals, they can't do it themselves. And, of course, guess what? Money laundering is a federal crime, and ignorance is usually no defense. As tempting as these high pay-days may sound, don't do it!

Re-shipping Scams
Re-shipping scams typically require job seekers to receive packages of stolen goods, which are often expensive consumer electronics, and then forward the packages, often outside of the United States. Those who fall for re-shipping scams may well be liable for shipping charges and even the cost of goods purchased online with stolen credit cards. As you can imagine, there are much better jobs - and of course, receiving stolen goods is a crime.

Pre-pay/Work at Home Scams
Although there are lots of genuine jobs working from home, some "offers" are not valid forms of employment and have the simple goal of fooling victims into making an initial investment, such as requiring them to purchase initial equipment (which may not exist) in order to perform an equally non-existent job. You can do better!

Protect Yourself
Be alert to potential scams. What may seem like a lucrative job offer could cost you financially, and even negatively affect your credit score. In some cases you may even be unwittingly committing a criminal offense. A few simple steps and a little bit of information can keep your job search safe and effective!

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