Learning English Grammar

Couldn’t Care Less vs Could Care Less

Couldn’t Care Less or Could Care Less? When people use this expression, what they’re basically trying to say is that they really don’t care whatsoever about whatever it is that is being referred to. However, it’s actually pretty common to see this written incorrectly and many times even spoken incorrectly – even by people who should know much better.

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Windows 10

Microsoft Windows Dark-Mode / Color Filters

Use the built-in features of Windows to create an easy on/off dark-mode for your computer, without needing to install any add-ons or extensions, and without even downloading anything. Create your own unique dark-style to limit brightness or dim colors, and save your eyes! Using the features which already exist on your computer, you can create various dark-modes and color schemes using the easy-to-use color filters.

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Lambs of the Ocean

Ocean Sheep – The Mammals You Never Knew Existed

Ocean Sheep is a creative work detailing the discovery, and then rediscovery, of legendary underwater sheep – mammals the world forgot. The original discovery – a pursuit once derided by Charles Darwin as a foolish pursuit of “an excited or rebellious imagination” – proved the sheep’s existence, but also proved a costly career move for their discoverer, Dr. Arthur Li. Prepared to protect their reputations at all costs, Darwin’s associates and the scientific community abandoned Dr. Li, and an early death consigned his research to history. Until now.

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